Kim, Dawn and Mason

A place for me to share the next phase of our lives; being mommies to Mason!

Friday, December 18, 2009

A few things I love about being Mason’s mommy!

His smile – He is such a happy baby. He is always smiling and has even laughed out loud a couple of times. My favorite smiling faces are first thing in the morning when I get him up for the morning. I go in to his room or to his swing (which is where he has been most mornings thus far) and I say good morning sunshine and his face lights up with the biggest smile you can imagine. Oh how that makes my heart melt! It’s just as powerful every morning as it was the morning before! Another favorite of mine is when I first get home and see him for the first time after being gone all day. I walk in the door and go straight to him and say hello mommy’s honey bunches. His face lights up and again his face is one big smile. I love him so much.

His “conversations” – Mason has become quite the chatterbox lately. He wakes up “talking” and goes to bed “talking”. I think he recently discovered his own voice. He has been making all sorts of sounds lately but it seems that his favorite right now sounds like uh oh, uh oh, uh oh! He likes to say that a lot especially at 3:00am when he is fighting going back to sleep. I can’t help but crack up laughing at him even if it in the middle of the night. He also talks a lot on the way to daycare. He has also been spending lots of time on SKYPE chatting with his GiGi and Nana. I am amazed at how much you talk to someone that can’t really even “talk” back.

His smell – I have always loved the smell of a baby and now that I have one of my own, that smell is even sweeter. I slather him down in baby lotion in the morning and at night so he always smells so good. Well not always. He has the worst gas and poopy diapers of any baby I have ever been around but that is for another post.

Snuggling with him – Mason has always liked to be held really close and really tight. I love that. Having him close to me and being able to look at his cute face and big blue eyes is something that I will never get tired of. Mason is also very attached to being swaddled. We tried a few weeks ago to start putting him down without being swaddled and let’s just say he wasn’t having it. He woke up every hour or so until we swaddled him up and then he slept for 6 hours straight. So for now, he will continue to be swaddled. Hopefully by the time he is rolling over from his back to his tummy, he will be ready to be free of the swaddle!

Oh there is so much more that I love about being a mommy but only have time to list a few for now. So until next time…..


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