Kim, Dawn and Mason

A place for me to share the next phase of our lives; being mommies to Mason!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What Has Mason Been Up To Lately!

Wow, it is hard to believe that my baby is almost 17 months old. The time is definitely going by way to fast for me. I just want to hold on to every minute with him. He has gone from being a dependent baby to being a toddler that wants his independence. While I have enjoyed every milestone and stage of his little life thus far, this stage is by far the best yet. His little personality is developing more and more each day. He is talking up a storm and just curious about everything. He is like a sponge and is just learning so much so quickly. I am just amazed at how much he comprehends.

What new words is Mason saying these days.  tree, ho ho, hello, wow, poop, wah wah (water), jew (juice), Gi Gi, Tay Tay (Aunt Stacey), May May (Mason we think), melmo (Elmo), stuck, red, snow, hat and two. Funny story about the word two. Today, Mason climbed onto the chair at the table. He wanted to stand up in the chair. Dawn told him to sit down. He did but then proceeded to stand up again. She told him that chairs were for sitting not for standing and that he needed to sit down. He did but then stood up again. She said sit down and started counting. She said one and he immediately said "two". It was hilarious. We both laughed out loud which of course didn't help matters.  I know we aren't supposed to laugh but....

What else has Mason been doing these days.
  1. He has started telling us when he has peed or pooped in his diaper. He is very interested in sitting on the potty and will even walk to the bathroom door and say poop. We have been trying to sit him on the potty each time he tells us so he will get used to doing it so hopefully he will associate the two together and will start telling us before he has pooped or peed in his diaper. Hopefully this will mean that potty training will be easy with him.
  2. He enjoys playing with blocks, puzzles, trucks, looking at books, watching the Sprout channel, cooking with Dawn and playing with the pots and pans.
  3. Climbing - He is one little dare devil. He loves to climb on the coffee table which helps him get onto the couch. Once he is on the couch, he likes to roll around and jump from end to end. He has no concept of fear at this point. He also likes climbing onto the chairs at the table. He wants to stand in the chair once he gets in it so he has to get down which makes him mad.
  4. Throwing temper tantrums. Yes this in one thing that I am not exactly happy about but I know it is all a part of his development. He will get so angry that he throws himself backwards and usually ends up banging his head on the floor. While we try to watch him and be sure he doesn't hurt himself sometimes he is just too fast and we can't get to him quick enough before he falls out. Once he has fallen out, we usually try to ignore him which works most of the time. Usually we try to redirect him to something else that will take his mind off of whatever made him upset.
There is so much more that he is doing but this post is getting long so I'll post more on the rest of those things later.  As you can see, he is a smart, healthy toddler that we love more and more every day.

Until next time......

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