Kim, Dawn and Mason

A place for me to share the next phase of our lives; being mommies to Mason!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Work, Work, Work

Wow, the past week was a tough week. I think I put in at least 65 hours with the time that I was in the office and the time that I had to work at home just to get caught up. This was the most I have worked outside of my normal work week since before I got pregnant which was almost 3 years ago.
Why the increase in workload? Well there are a couple reasons for that. One is that I had to unfortunately let one of my staff go this past week. Long story and not appropriate to discuss publicly but it was a tough thing to do. And given that I am down a staff, I had to do her job as well as mine.

Another reason is my YMCA is the lead agency in a community initiative to spread awareness about the prevention of child sexual abuse. I am the lead staff member on this project and our first set of community trainings is Monday - Wednesday of this coming week so I have spent a crazy amount of time getting everything ready for that. For those of you that are interested the program is called Stewards of Children and is a program that was developed by the organization Darkness to Light out of Charleston, SC.

At any rate, I am exhausted after working so much this past week. I am too old to work long hours like that. Hoping things settle down a bit after these trainings. I keep reminding myself of the phrase, "This Too Shall Pass!".  What has been keeping you busy these days?

Until next time......

1 comment:

Anny Jacoby said...

Little Man takes your breath away - oh how I remember those days. Talk about precious!