Kim, Dawn and Mason

A place for me to share the next phase of our lives; being mommies to Mason!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

20 days and counting!

I have been a terrible blogger. It has been over 3 months since I have last posted. Guess it is good that not a lot of people know about my blog. I promise to do better once little Mason is born and there is more to “talk” about. Speaking of little Mason, it is hard to believe that we have only 20 days left. Maybe a little less if we are lucky! I am amazed at how fast my pregnancy has flown by; seems like just yesterday Dawn and I were anxiously awaiting the results of the pregnancy test. Now here were are counting down the last 20 days. I am very thankful that I was blessed with an easy pregnancy. It has been pretty uneventful for the past 37 weeks. Now the past two days have been a bit more eventful. Yesterday, I went for my 37 week visit and was told that my blood pressure was elevated. I had to lay on my side for 30 minutes to be monitored. Thankfully it came down and the Dr. let me leave but told me to check it periodically throughout the day for the rest of this week. I was fine with that and things were “normal” for the rest of the day. Today on the other hand, it has been all over the charts. The highest was 157/107 and it fluctuated all day so the Dr. wanted me to come in for a biophysical profile ultrasound. I was hoping for another ultrasound before birth but would have rather it been just because and not because there were problems. As the ultrasound technician started her routine, the first couple screen shots looked good then she nonchalantly said well he’s not breathing. I immediately said WHAT in a panicked tone of voice? She then says well babies only practice breathe, they don’t really breathe you do the breathing for the baby. I was ok with her answer for a while but had every intention of asking her more questions once she finished all of her test. She continued her tests and showed us his hands, feet, spine, heart, lungs and his precious little face. She said everything looked good and he was measuring around 6lbs 10oz. She then said in order for him to pass the test completely she had to see him “practice breathe” at least once in a 30 minute period. Well, we watched and waited and watched and waited and the 30 minute period came and went and as my luck would have it, he did not breathe so he did not pass that part of the test. Now it is off to the next part of the appointment to determine what is next. After talking to the doctor and him evaluating the results of the entire BPP he did not seem the least bit concerned that he did not practice breathe during the test. I asked a bunch of questions and he reassured me that everything was fine and not to be concerned. Of course, I am still a little worried but am trying not to get too stressed out about it. I keep telling myself that everything else looked great and my Dr. knows his stuff so just relax and keep dreaming about meeting him and seeing him for the first time. 20 days and counting…..Until next time.

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