Today, Mason is 9 months old. I am just amazed at how quickly it is passing by. It seems like yesterday that we were just bringing home our 7lb, 12oz tiny, baby boy. Of course, he will always be my baby boy but he isn’t quite so “tiny” any more. He currently weighs in at 21lbs, 5oz and has grown 8 1/4 inches!!
Mason is doing really well. He is healthy, minus the typical colds, ear infections and junk they get from daycare and exposure to germs and such. He is sleeping eleven to twelve hours every night. He has two teeth so far. He is trying really hard to walk and is just an amazing little guy!
He is such a joy and is so much fun! While he has been fun all along, the age and stage that he is currently at right now is the best so far. He is totally interested in everything. His favorite toys these days are his farm and Little Tykes laptop that his Gi Gi gave him, his glow baby that his Nana gave him and his musical walker thing that his Aunt Stacey gave him. He is also just as content playing with a cardboard box or a plastic water bottle. Anything goes these days.
During the first couple months of the dreadful sleep deprivation, there were many times when I wished he was older so he would sleep better and that he would be more capable of doing things on his own then most always I would hear the song, “You’re Gonna Miss This” by Trace Atkins and realize that I should slow down and take every second in because time was going to fly by. It didn’t seem like it then but boy do I see it now!
The chorus of the song is what spoke to me the most. Here it is in case you aren’t familiar with it.
You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast
These Are Some Good Times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this
Until next time…..