Kim, Dawn and Mason

A place for me to share the next phase of our lives; being mommies to Mason!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

What has Mason been up to lately??

There has been a lot going on with Mr. Mason these days. My favorite thing that he has just started doing is saying Ma Ma. He has said it a couple times before but now he is saying it all the time. He is much more intentional with it now and knows that ma ma is me. Yeah!!!! Hearing him say it makes me smile every time.

Within the last week or so, he has been doing a lot more cruising around. He can get around really well and is getting faster and faster. He walks around the coffee table and will let go of it to get to the couch and love seat. Unfortunately, he has found the stairs and has attempted to climb them a couple of times. We know it is time for a gate but haven't found one that will work with our stairs yet. He has also learned how to control his musical walker and can get anywhere in the house that he wants to go with it. I will not be surprised if he is walking on his own within the next month.

Over the past two weeks or so Mason has been trying to cut his front two teeth. We could tell it was time since he started chewing on anything and everything he could get in his mouth. He has had a bit more trouble with these two than he did with the first two that came in on the bottom. His gums were really red and swollen this time and he was much fussier than normal. I just noticed today that they are almost through the gum line. I can see them but can't quite feel them yet. It won't be long.

Mason has almost mastered drinking out of his sippy cup. He is getting where he prefers drinking from it instead of drinking his bottles. I guess we should probably try to transition him completely to the cup within the next couple of weeks. I don't foresee it being an issue during the day but it may be an issue with the night time bottle. Well, it will probably be more of an issue for me than for him since I love cuddling with him and giving him his bottle at bedtime. That will be just another reminder that my baby is growing up. :-(

We have also been working on saying and waving bye bye. He has almost gotten both of them down. He will wave his little hand backwards of course, smile and say bye bye. He is so cute when he does it too. I am also trying to teach him to blow kisses.

Gosh there is so much more that he is doing or is in the process of learning to do but I'll end now or else this post is going to be way too long. Not sure why I am worried about how long it will be. No one reads my blog anyway so it shouldn't matter to anyone but me!!!

Until next time.....

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