Kim, Dawn and Mason

A place for me to share the next phase of our lives; being mommies to Mason!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Scarecrow Family - Halloween 2010

Mason's second Halloween was a lot of fun. He was the cutest little scarecrow that I have ever seen. This year Dawn decided that we would all dress up like scarecrows. While I could care less whether we dressed up or not, she was really excited about it. She began looking in our closets to see if we had anything that we could put together that would help our scarecrow look. We were both surprised to discover that even between two lesbians in the house, we did not have one plaid, flannel shirt that we could use for our costumes. So, she went out to the local Goodwill store to find the perfect clothes for two more perfect scarecrows! She was unable to find exactly what she wanted so she she bought an extra plaid shirt that she used to cut patches out of and she stayed up until 3:00am sewing the patches on our pants. It was definitely more than I would have ever committed to doing but she did and loved every minute of it. When she was all finishd, we had the best scarecrow costumes eVeR!

We got all dressed and went outside so Mason could run around and play a bit before we had to put him to bed. We were going to keep him up later than his normal 7:30 bedtime but he just couldn't make it. He was getting too cranky and we didn't want him to be miserable. We stayed out long enough to give out candy and to see all of our little neighbors in their costumes. They were all really cute. Mason didn't trick or treat this year since we don't let him eat candy yet and his two mommies don't need to eat candy!! We didn't have as many trick or treaters that we normally have this year. We attributed that to the fact that some of our area did trick or treating on Saturday and some did it on Sunday. We were prepared both nights just in case! I am looking forward to many more Halloweens with my wonderful family. Who knows what we will be next year!

Until next time......


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