Kim, Dawn and Mason

A place for me to share the next phase of our lives; being mommies to Mason!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Fussy, Whiney Guy

WOW this week I have seen a different little boy than I am used to. He has been a fussy, whiney little guy from the time he gets up in the mornings to the time he goes to bed. I have gotten used to him waking up and playing in his crib, entertaining himself for 15 - 30 minutes before getting bored and wanting to get out. This has allowed me to finish getting dressed in the mornings before going up to get him. This past week he has woken up crying and calling for me as soon as his eyes are open. While I don't like leaving him crying in his crib, it is nearly impossible to get dressed with him screaming and wanting to be held. Once I go up to get him, he screams and fusses the entire time I am getting him dressed. Nothing seems to satisfy him. All of that screaming just makes for a wonderful start to the day.

His daycare teacher has said he has has several rough days at daycare too. The evenings have also been filled with lots of screaming fits as well. I am not sure what is going on. Is this just a stage that he is going through? Are his teeth hurting him and crying fits are the only way he knows how to express his pain? Have I been too lenient on him during his little fits that he has already learned he just needs to be an ill pill to get his way? Whatever it is, I am not a fan of the fussy, whiney little toddler as much as I am the easy going, go with the flow little buddy.

Let's hope it is a stage and it only lasted a week. I'd like for my sweet, silly little guy to come back to our house for awhile. Is he out there somewhere? If you see him, please send him back. :-)

Until next time......

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