Kim, Dawn and Mason

A place for me to share the next phase of our lives; being mommies to Mason!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween Fun

Mason has so much fun this Halloween. It is really the first one that he understands what is going on. We talked with him the week leading up to Halloween explaining to him that he would get to "dress up" and go say Trick or Treat for candy. He doesn't get to eat much candy but does know what it is especially M&M's and Skittles. He was dressing up like a cowboy and once we got his costume he understood a little more.  He seemed excited to tell people he was dressing up like a cowboy. He'd say, my gonna be a cowboy! We went to a Trunk or Treat over the weekend so he was able to see other children dressed up and continued to get the whole idea.

His preschool did trick or treating with the residents of the retirement home campus that the preschool is located on and everyone seemed to enjoy that very much. In the afternoon, his class had a little party which was simple but fun. One of Mason's teacher's dressed up and well I'll let the picture speak for itself. This man is awesome and is a fabulous teacher that Mason loves dearly.

We went trick or treating with our neighbors and it was so much fun. Mason was a trooper and after several houses, he was saying trick or treat and thank you to everyone. He was super cute and so many people commented on his cowboy costume.  Enough with the writing, I'll show you just how cute he was as a cowboy.  Enjoy....

Below is a picture of Mason with our neighbors children. We are very fortunate to live next door to and across the street from wonderful neighbors.

Since Mason was the youngest of all of the trick or treaters, we took the wagon along in case he needed to ride instead of walk. Great idea, neighbor Dawn. It was very helpful for everyone.  Before we completed the one mile loop around our neighborhood, Trent and Quinn took turns riding with Mason. At one point, they were all three in there. 

Mason enjoyed looking at all of the Halloween decorations and was fascinated by the people as well.

He was too cute. We had a great night with him and have enjoyed watching him enjoy his candy a couple pieces each night. At this rate, the candy will last him until Christmas. Yes, we are those moms that limit the amount of sugar and candy our little guy eats!! No harm done. He is eating candy just in small increments!!

Hope all of you had a wonderful Halloween as well.

Until next time......

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