Kim, Dawn and Mason

A place for me to share the next phase of our lives; being mommies to Mason!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Mason is 3 weeks old today!

It is hard to believe that Mason is already 3 weeks old. My where does the time go. Everyone told me that the time would fly by and to enjoy every minute with him.

Today, I put Mason down on his activity mat. He loved it. He laid there looking around at all of the fun things hanging over his head. He would occasionally pull at them but for the most part just laid there content for about 20 minutes. He would have laid there longer but got the dreaded hiccups. He seems to get those all of the time. I should be used to him having them since he had them in utereo 3 times a day without fail.
Mason is sleeping right now. I should be napping but have not mastered sleeping during the day yet. I am very tired and sleepy but when I lay down, I cannot fall asleep. It is so annoying so I decided to take a few minutes to update this blog and put some new pictures on Facebook. We have taken so many pictures of him. It is hard for me to decide what pictures to post. He is so darn cute. I want to post them all for everyone to see. He is waking up so I need to get ready to feed him. Until next time....

1 comment:

cameron said...

he is such a pretty little boy!